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Terzich & Ort, LLP
Photo of Jodi Marie Terzich and Shannon Leigh Ort
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Divorce in Minnesota

Divorce In Minnesota

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It is only natural that many parents in Minnesota want custody of their children after a divorce. They may try anything to keep the children, occasionally leading to a high-conflict custody dispute. However, children may also be affected by the child custody battle. A recent short film, Talk to Strangers, shows the effect of high-conflict custody disputes on children and discourages parents from engaging in such disputes.

While divorcing from their spouse may be a good decision for the couple and their lives, high profile custody disputes may affect the children. A source stated that divorcing parents should question themselves before arguing over children in court. The parents should consider that their arguments may cause anxiety to the children, who are often uncertain of their future with their parents and siblings. The children may be engaged in various interviews with court personnel and other professionals and may have to disclose personal details including their fears and frailties. Certain clinical studies have also shown that children may receive serious psychological harm during such conflicts.

During a divorce, it may be helpful for couples to seek mediation to resolve the issues. To best serve their purpose, the couple may solve all issues related to the divorce through a negotiated agreement. The couple may also be able to give attention to minor issues that may not be considered by the court.

When a couple cannot decide the issues related to divorce, the court may decide on their behalf. For example, the court may decide on the child custody arrangement and visitation rights of the parents. The couple should remember that they have to cooperate with their spouse, and a bitter litigation battle may not be beneficial in such cases. Hence, working together and making mutually agreed-upon decisions may help the couple deal with the divorce without adversely affecting their kids.

Source: Huffington Post, “Divorcing Parents: 10 Questions to Ask Before Fighting Over the Kids,” Rosalind Sedacca, July 21, 2014