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Terzich & Ort, LLP
Photo of Jodi Marie Terzich and Shannon Leigh Ort
Super Lawyers
Divorce in Minnesota

Divorce In Minnesota

Divorce in Minnesota

Divorce In Minnesota

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For a long time same-sex partners in Minnesota and the rest of the country have been fighting the battle to legalize their unions. A number of states, including Minnesota, have eventually legalized the unions between same-sex partners. However, there are still some states which do not formally recognize same-sex marriages, which may make matters difficult for those who want to relocate or whose families cross state lines.

In 2004, a leading national newspaper had for the first time published several same-sex marriage announcements in its wedding announcement columns. In an attempt to see how they were doing, a new study was conducted. Out of the five same-sex couples, four were still married while one couple had separated.

Many couples stated that having a marriage license strengthened their bond between each other and transformed their lives. It helped overcome some financial hurdles for most of them, including those related to medical insurance. A few believe that their lives were exactly the same as before, but it certainly seems to have helped the children born in wedlock. In many ways most of the couples stated that their lives were the same as other heterosexual couples that had children and a successful marriage.

Same-sex marriages, though legal per Minnesota law, are yet to be legalized in many states. While society seems to have accepted same-sex couples now more than ever, there are still those who oppose same-sex marriage. The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community is fighting a global battle to recognize their basic civil rights to marry and adopt. However, since it is a convoluted uphill legal battle for most, it may be beneficial to seek professional legal assistance, particularly regarding domestic issues that may be new for many same-sex couples.