Many children and their parents in Maple Grove, Minnesota, are recipients of child support. Receiving this financial support is vital for meeting the various financial requirements for raising children, and if for some reason the money does not reach them, plenty of problems can occur. In fact, many custodial parents and their children in Minnesota have trouble making ends meet thanks to delinquent child support payments.
The state of Minnesota understands this concern and has developed a number of measures pertaining to child support enforcement. In support of this effort, the state also receives the backing of federal laws, which were discussed in an earlier blog post. These laws were passed so that innocent children do not suffer as a result of a non-custodial parent’s delinquency. The Child Support Recovery Act of 1992 makes non-payment of child support a state and federal offense.
However, despite the various measures, child support delinquency is a continuing problem and custodial parents often have a tough time obtaining the support their children rightfully deserve, even when they are in possession of a court order. Various services are available from child support agencies in the state, but sometimes, legal advice is required to resolve the issue.
Our law firm may be able to help parents who are owed child support. We understand that the dynamics of every family are different, so we offer tailor-made solutions for each of our clients’ unique set of circumstances. We also understand that child support is an essential factor in maintaining the best interests of children and therefore our efforts are directed to achieve results for the benefit of the children involved. For a better understanding of child support in Minnesota, please visit our website. You may find the information extremely helpful.