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Terzich & Ort, LLP
Photo of Jodi Marie Terzich and Shannon Leigh Ort
Super Lawyers
Divorce in Minnesota

Divorce In Minnesota

Divorce in Minnesota

Divorce In Minnesota

Spousal Maintenance

Spousal Maintenance

Spousal Maintenance

Spousal Maintenance

Property Division

Property Division

Property Division

Property Division

Paternity Cases

Paternity Cases

Paternity Cases

Paternity Cases

Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse

Divorce and family law matters can vary greatly depending on the specifics of the Minnesota family in question. At Terzich & Ort LLP we understand how important these specifics are to each family and case in question. For those who are determining child custody arrangements, there is something that should be said for child support obligations and other similar arrangements. Cost of living is a big determinant for deciding child support obligations.

When parents work together, it is in the child’s best interest when determining child custody arrangements. For that reason, determining child support payments for the non-custodial parent is no different. The parent with the majority of the physical custody bears the brunt of the costs associated with rearing a child. This is where child support comes into play in order to offset that cost fairly between both parents.

Three sections of child support total the complete child support obligation pie in Minnesota. Basic support, medical support and child support are all equally important to the child support equation. This is determined based on many factors specific to the family’s needs and income.

Our law firm understands how important it is for the child support to be adequate for the child and also manageable for the parent. The goal is for the child to be supported financially in a way that supports a healthy life.

With this goal in mind, the legal team at Terzich & Ort can help you to achieve the balance you and your child are looking for. Whether expecting child support payments or expecting to be the one making them, it is good to have someone in your corner.

Your child is likely your top priority and we understand why this is the case. No one can better support or love your child more than their parents or guardians, therefore, it is important to timely address these and other divorce legal issues..