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Terzich & Ort, LLP
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Divorce in Minnesota

Divorce In Minnesota

Divorce in Minnesota

Divorce In Minnesota

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For various reasons, many individuals in Maple Grove and nationwide find themselves filing for divorce in the springtime. However, it is important to be strategic when determining what the best time is to formally end your marriage, as it may take longer than you think.


First of all, once divorce papers are filed, the worth of an asset such as a 401(k) will be determined on what it was worth at the time of filing. Moreover, getting divorced is sometimes a lengthy process. Papers must be filed with the court, the other spouse must be formally served and be given time to respond. Some people may think that they can cut-corners by serving their spouse themselves instead of going through the Sheriff’s office or other official service method. However, if you do this, disputes can arise regarding the date of service or your spouse could even claim they were never served at all. Use the official methods of service provided for in your state instead of taking a short-cut.

Finally, it may be a good idea to create a written formal separation agreement that can address issues relating to child support, child custody and spousal support during the course of a divorce. As mentioned before, divorce can be a lengthy process making these types of agreements very beneficial.

Of course, this post cannot serve as advice as to when it is most beneficial to file for divorce. While springtime may be a popular time for divorce, one should not rely solely on this post when making the decision to divorce. An attorney can help an individual seeking a divorce decide when to begin the process.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Filing For Divorce In Spring? Avoid These 6 Perilous Mistakes!,” Bari Zell Weinberger, April 25, 2016