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Terzich & Ort, LLP
Photo of Jodi Marie Terzich and Shannon Leigh Ort
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Divorce in Minnesota

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Same-sex marriage, much like traditional marriage, is not always smooth sailing. Sometimes married couples make the difficult decision to part-ways or to file for divorce. When filing for divorce, same-sex couples generally have questions any person would have; questions about property division, child custody and alimony to name a few. Before the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2015 on same-sex marriage – this wasn’t always the case.

There was a time where married same-sex couples may have had a problem getting divorced. This was due to gaps in policy about how same-sex marriage and divorce should be handled. Now, Minnesota and federal law cover what is to happen in cases of same-sex divorce. If you were married in Minnesota, and are a same sex-couple, you shouldn’t have much trouble filing for divorce legally.

When getting a divorce, issues like settling property and determining child custody are usually at the top of the list of concerns. These issues can be discussed and determined after a long look at finances and after determining the best interests of the children in question. It can be helpful to look at what items or issues are most important to you before approaching these negotiations. Looking at what isn’t as important can help to hone in on a favorable outcome for both parties and any children involved.

If a marriage is no longer worth being a part of, divorce may be the best option for everyone involved. It can take a lot of thought and careful consideration before filing for divorce. It’s good to know that the option is available for same-sex couples. At one time, this may not have been the case for some same-sex couples.

Source: family.findlaw.com, “Same-Sex Divorce: What you need to know,” Accessed February 27, 2017