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Terzich & Ort, LLP
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Minnesota residents may remember a recent blog in which the ways prenuptial agreements can help were discussed. However, as with anything in life, nothing is ever truly all positive. Prenuptial agreements, like anything else, can have their downsides. Of course, there are many ways in which prenuptial agreements can offer valuable protections for soon to be married couples who want to protect their assets. But sometimes, couples may want to look at the potential cons before signing an agreement.

One of the more obvious cons is one that may not seem serious, but it can weigh heavy on the minds of soon to be married couples. Prenuptial agreements, to some, may not seem like the most romantic gesture — and this is understandable. As much as prenuptial agreements are a prudent measure that offer couples many protections, they also go against many of the romantic notions that couples may have. However, some couples may find that a quick conversation can help them move past these issues.

Sometimes, too, it may be difficult to look into the future and figure out exactly how certain issues should be handled in the event of a divorce. Something that may seem inconsequential at the signing of the prenuptial agreement may prove to be a bigger deal later on. However, family law attorneys can help couples decide on a course that works for them — one in which they may be able to better predict future outcomes and how to plan for them.

It is possible to avoid the cons that come with prenuptial agreements by taking certain steps. Family law attorneys can help soon to be married couples take these steps to ensure that a prenuptial agreement is drafted that satisfies their wishes.

Source: FindLaw, “Pros and Cons: Prenuptial Agreements,” Accessed on March 27, 2017