There can be a lot of uncertainty involved in a divorce. You may be wondering what to expect from mediation or trial, or what your life will look like after the divorce is complete.
However, you can alleviate some of this uncertainty by filing for a pendente lite order.
Pendente lite
This is a temporary order issued by the court that provides an outline of certain behaviors and expectations during the divorce process. These are common in divorce cases, especially when the separated couple has children. Because divorces can take months or even years to complete, and life does not stop to wait for this process, it is often necessary to establish temporary but binding terms for each spouse to abide by.
Common terms
Pendente lite orders can temporarily address a number of different issues. For couples without children, spousal support and home residence are commonly found. For those with children to consider, pendente lite orders almost always address child support, custody and visitation. At the very least, this temporary issuance of terms allows couples to gain some semblance of normalcy and help them maintain the lifestyle they have become accustomed to.
When custody and visitation issues arise, these orders provide much-needed guidance that allows both parents to spend time with their children. This routine, as well as an argument-free environment, is crucial for the wellbeing of the kids.
Filing a motion for pendente lite relief is a valuable option for many separated spouses, as they often find the guidance beneficial.