Have You Worked Out Your Visitation Agreement?
When establishing a visitation schedule, it’s important to get the details right. This includes specifics on how the holidays will be handled. What time and where will pickups and drop offs occur? What if changes are needed? What if you want to alternate years for holidays and other special occasions? What if you and your former spouse can’t agree?At the law office of Terzich & Ort, LLP, our attorneys bring years of family law experience to our clients and share a dedication to courteous and prompt service. We are committed to providing high-quality legal advice at reasonable rates.
Call our office in Maple Grove to make an appointment at 763-391-7354. We work with clients throughout the Twin Cities metro area.
Sound Representation In Child Visitation Controversies
We protect the rights of custodial and non-custodial parents at any stage of a visitation or parenting time dispute, whether you need to establish a temporary agreement during the proceedings or you want to file a motion to modify or enforce an existing visitation order. We will help you put together a parenting schedule that gives priority to the best interests of your minor children, but that also recognizes your role in the life of your child. It is also important to know that third parties and grandparents have rights to request custody and visitation in Minnesota. We will have a candid discussion with you concerning the likelihood of meeting your goals, and will be your partner throughout the process, so that you always know where you stand.
We are committed to meeting the goals set forth in the Minnesota statutes, that both parents have time with minor children. When circumstances dictate, we will work with you to require that visitation be supervised or otherwise restricted, including situations where there are concerns for the child’s physical or emotional well-being. We will try to fashion ways to allow parents with substance abuse or other problems to see their children (provided it’s safe), because we understand how important it can be to the children.
We are intimately familiar with the recommendations of the task force established by the Minnesota Supreme Court regarding custody and parenting time. Read more on the Supreme Court Guidelines for Custody and Visitation.
Terzich & Ort, LLP, works with custodial and non-custodial parents throughout the 13-county area surrounding metropolitan Minneapolis-St. Paul. Both of our partners have been identified as “Rising Stars” every year since 2006 by Minnesota Law & Politics magazine, and attorney Terzich has been acclaimed a Minnesota “Super Lawyer” for 2009.
Schedule Your Appointment
To schedule an appointment, call our Maple Grove office at 763-391-7354 or simply email us. We are available to meet with clients during regular business hours and evenings by special request. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.