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Terzich & Ort, LLP
Photo of Jodi Marie Terzich and Shannon Leigh Ort
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Divorce in Minnesota

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The New Year is a popular time to resolve and change your life for the better. For some, this means getting into shape, for others it means cutting back on bad habits, like smoking. And for those in unhappy marriages, 2017 may be the year that they decide to end their union and seek a divorce, so they can move forward with their life in a more positive fashion.

In fact, Maple Grove residents seeking a divorce may find that there is a line at their attorney’s office. This is because January has come to be known as “divorce month.” According to MarketWatch statistics, every January the number of people filing for divorce goes up by one-third.

There are a number of reasons as to why this uptick seems to occur year after year. For example, for couples with children, they may have wanted to give their children one last holiday season as a united family. However, now that the holidays are through and children and parents are back to their normal routines at work and school, parents may feel that they and their child have the stability needed to undertake the huge life transition that a divorce is.

Other couples wait until January to file for divorce for tax reasons. For a couple to be able to file their taxes jointly, they must be married as of December 31. Therefore, waiting until January to file makes not only filing taxes easier but also can bring a clearer transition financially from a married couple to a single individual.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why January is a popular month to file for divorce. Of course, many divorces are a long time coming, and deciding when to file for divorce is a very personal decision. In the end, couples in Maple Grove who are considering a divorce should give careful thought to the timing of the divorce, so they can do so at a time that is in their best interests.

Source: 11alive.com, “Divorce filings rise each new year,” Tim Darnell, Jan. 3, 2017