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Terzich & Ort, LLP
Photo of Jodi Marie Terzich and Shannon Leigh Ort
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Divorce in Minnesota

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Divorce can be difficult even under the best of circumstances, but when you split with your partner later in life, you have a few unique considerations to take into account.

As you navigate this major life event, here are three tips to help you through a divorce over 50.

1. Understand your financial circumstances

As you age, your finances typically grow more complex, which can complicate your divorce. You should make sure you have a strong understanding of your current finances. You also need to develop realistic expectations about how your financial situation will change post-divorce.

2. Work on the relationship with your children

If you are over 50, you very likely have adult children. When people talk about divorce and children, they often focus on young children and custody arrangements, but divorce can hit adult children hard, as well. You may want to devote time to strengthening your relationship with your children so you can support one another through this transition.

3. Embrace change

After a later-in-life divorce, you will need to adjust to a significantly different life. You may need to make difficult decisions, such as selling the home where you raised your children or pursuing a new career avenue.

These decisions can be overwhelming, but embracing the change can help you adapt to and even enjoy the transition your life is undergoing. While separating from your spouse is hard, it is also an opportunity for you to pursue new opportunities and learn new things about yourself.

During the divorce process, the right legal approach can ensure that you are properly prepared to take the first steps in the next chapter of your life.