Traditionally, most child custody cases involving minor children award the mother custody of the child. That situation was acceptable for the generations in which the mother stayed home and raised the children and the father went out to work and financially supported...
Advantages of signing Recognition of Parentage in Minnesota
In Minnesota, it is important to establish the legal relationship between a father and his child if the father is not married to the child's mother. The official state document that establishes this relationship is known as "Recognition of Parentage." When parents...
What happens after a positive paternity test result in Minnesota?
Establishing paternity is often the first step in many family law cases with children involved. Therefore, parents or the court may request DNA testing in order to determine paternity. A man may also voluntarily take a paternity test to establish parental rights over...
What is the paternity determination process in Minnesota?
According to federal and Minnesota laws, protecting a child's best interests is family court's primary objective. To protect those interests, the court often addresses paternity of a child because paternity is closely linked with various child-related family law...
Minnesota programs support responsible fatherhood
Historically, when parents were in battles over the custody and support of children, Minnesota courts tended to side with mothers, or what legislators and judges believed to be the more natural caregiver. The legal landscape of the last three decades has changed...
What is Minnesota father’s adoption registry?
Historically, Minnesota mothers had the role of primary caregivers for children. One of the major byproducts of the gender movement in the 1970's was the rise of fathers' rights advocates in the state. Many times, unwed mothers gave up their biological children for...
A paternity case that may interest Minnesota residents
Many Minnesota residents are well aware that complications often arise when a child is born to an unmarried couple. While in some cases, the mother may not want to take care of the child, other times, the mother may try to prevent the father from establishing parental...
Can unmarried fathers establish fatherhood in Minnesota?
Like every other state in the country, Minnesota has seen an increase over the last three decades in the number of children born to unmarried parents. With fathers not easily identified by virtue of their marriage to these children's mothers, states have been focusing...
The biological father according to Minnesota laws
It is important to understand that in the wake of a divorce, a number of questions may come to light, including matters related to child custody, paternity, property division and spousal support. However, in cases when a child is involved in the matter, the divorce...
Paternity actions important in ascertaining fatherhood
When a child is born to unmarried parents, whether they are from Minnesota or not, certain situations can lead to thorny complications. Sometimes, both parents accept responsibility and agree to care for the child jointly. However, in other cases, either the mother...